Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Determining Which Trees to Blaze

Once again before ordering my trail blazes and screws, I walked through both trails and determined which trees to blaze. The Abbott Marshlands consist of many smaller trees as it is mainly marsh. Choosing which trees to blaze was challenging as some trees were too small to blaze, while other trees were perfect for blazing but either too close or too far from the previous blaze. Another challenge was the amount of foliage surrounding the trails.
Abbot Brook trail on June 4th 

Broken and worn plastic trail blaze (Abbott Brook trail) 
Upon walking the trails, Kelly and I wrapped marking tape around each tree that I planned to blaze. By doing this, I could count how many trail markers I would need and order them accordingly. When ordering the markers, I ordered at least ten more than I needed in case anything went wrong during the posting. Overall, for the yellow trail I ordered 80 trail markers and for the red trail I ordered 50 trail markers.
Old painted blaze with distorted color (Abbott Brook trail)

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